following sites usefull for develop Environment :
- DirectLinks and steps:
jdk: javadevelopmentkit:
eclipse development tool (portable):
software development kit for android sdk:
//Additionally you may want to add
dexOptions { incremental true
javaMaxHeapSize "4g"
eclipse Go to File -> Import -> Existing Android code into workspace --> Browse (Go to sdk/extras/android/support/v7/cardview) --> Click ok --> Click Finish Your project explorer will now show cardview as a project. Right click on cardview project --> Properties --> Android(Left Pane) --> Enable isLibrary (tick the checkbox) --> Apply --> ok Now Right click on your project --> Properties --> Android(Left pane) --> Add (under library) --> cardview --> apply --> ok Now right click on your project again --> build path --> configure build path --> Under projects tab, add cardview android studio
When you want to use support library for Recyclerview or CardView in lower API devices, you not only needs to import the v7 library, but also needs to import Recycler View and Card View support independently.
Like this:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
This is noted by Google's documents here:
@SerializedName("name") public String name= "name";
String YourjsonData = "[Insert JSON data here]";
Gson gson = new Gson();
JSONObject j;
Gig gig = null;
j = new JSONObject(jsonData);
gig = gson.fromJson(YourjsonData.toString(), YourModel.class);}
catch(Exception e)
@SerializedName("name") public String name= "name";
@SerializedName("arrylistmodel")public ListModel arraylistmodel= new ListModel()public class ListModel{
@SerializedName("name") public String name= "name";
DES SAmple Encrtyp And Decrypt For BlackBerry Working Fine
import*; import net.rim.device.api.crypto.*; import net.rim.device.api.util.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*; import net.rim.device.api.util.*;
public class EncodeDecodeString extends UiApplication {
private TripleDESKey _key;
public EncodeDecodeString() { public String encrypt(String plaintext) { try { _key = new TripleDESKey(); TripleDESEncryptorEngine encryptionEngine = new TripleDESEncryptorEngine(_key); // In most cases, the data to encrypt will not fit into the block // length of a cipher. When that happens, use a padding algorithm // to pad out the last block. This uses PKCS5 to do the padding. PKCS5FormatterEngine formatterEngine = new PKCS5FormatterEngine( encryptionEngine ); // Use the byte array output stream to catch the encrypted information. ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Create a block encryptor to help use the triple DES engine. BlockEncryptor encryptor = new BlockEncryptor( formatterEngine, outputStream ); // Encrypt the data. encryptor.write( plaintext.getBytes() ); // Close the stream. This forces the extra bytes to be padded out if // there were not enough bytes to fill all of the blocks. encryptor.close(); // Get the encrypted data. byte[] encryptedData = outputStream.toByteArray(); String strEncrypted = new String(encryptedData); return(strEncrypted); } catch( CryptoTokenException e ) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } catch (CryptoUnsupportedOperationException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } return "error"; } public String decrypt(String ciphertext) { try { // Perform the decryption. Since this is a symmetric algorithm, // use the same key as before. TripleDESDecryptorEngine decryptorEngine = new TripleDESDecryptorEngine(_key); // Create the unformatter engine to remove padding bytes. PKCS5UnformatterEngine unformatterEngine = new PKCS5UnformatterEngine( decryptorEngine ); // Set up an input stream to hand the encrypted data to the // block decryptor. ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( ciphertext.getBytes() ); // Create the block decryptor passing in the unformatter engine and the // encrypted data. BlockDecryptor decryptor = new BlockDecryptor( unformatterEngine, inputStream ); // Next, read from the stream. This example reads the data 10 bytes // at a time and then adds that new data to the decryptedData array. // For efficiency in a real situation, you should use a value // larger than 10. This example uses a small value to demonstrate // several iterations through the loop. byte[] temp = new byte[10]; DataBuffer db = new DataBuffer(); for( ;; ) { int bytesRead = temp ); if( bytesRead <= 0 ) { // No more information to read, so leave loop. break; } db.write(temp, 0, bytesRead); } // Make sure that the decrypted data is the same as the data // that was passed into the encryptor. byte[] decryptedData = db.toArray(); String strDecrypted = new String(decryptedData); return(strDecrypted); } catch( CryptoTokenException e ) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } catch (CryptoUnsupportedOperationException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } return "error"; } }
DES SAmple Encrtyp And Decrypt For BlackBerry Workking Fine
import*; import net.rim.device.api.crypto.*; import net.rim.device.api.util.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*; import net.rim.device.api.util.*;
public class EncodeDecodeString extends UiApplication {
private TripleDESKey _key;
public EncodeDecodeString() { public String encrypt(String plaintext) { try { _key = new TripleDESKey(); TripleDESEncryptorEngine encryptionEngine = new TripleDESEncryptorEngine(_key); // In most cases, the data to encrypt will not fit into the block // length of a cipher. When that happens, use a padding algorithm // to pad out the last block. This uses PKCS5 to do the padding. PKCS5FormatterEngine formatterEngine = new PKCS5FormatterEngine( encryptionEngine ); // Use the byte array output stream to catch the encrypted information. ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Create a block encryptor to help use the triple DES engine. BlockEncryptor encryptor = new BlockEncryptor( formatterEngine, outputStream ); // Encrypt the data. encryptor.write( plaintext.getBytes() ); // Close the stream. This forces the extra bytes to be padded out if // there were not enough bytes to fill all of the blocks. encryptor.close(); // Get the encrypted data. byte[] encryptedData = outputStream.toByteArray(); String strEncrypted = new String(encryptedData); return(strEncrypted); } catch( CryptoTokenException e ) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } catch (CryptoUnsupportedOperationException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } return "error"; } public String decrypt(String ciphertext) { try { // Perform the decryption. Since this is a symmetric algorithm, // use the same key as before. TripleDESDecryptorEngine decryptorEngine = new TripleDESDecryptorEngine(_key); // Create the unformatter engine to remove padding bytes. PKCS5UnformatterEngine unformatterEngine = new PKCS5UnformatterEngine( decryptorEngine ); // Set up an input stream to hand the encrypted data to the // block decryptor. ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( ciphertext.getBytes() ); // Create the block decryptor passing in the unformatter engine and the // encrypted data. BlockDecryptor decryptor = new BlockDecryptor( unformatterEngine, inputStream ); // Next, read from the stream. This example reads the data 10 bytes // at a time and then adds that new data to the decryptedData array. // For efficiency in a real situation, you should use a value // larger than 10. This example uses a small value to demonstrate // several iterations through the loop. byte[] temp = new byte[10]; DataBuffer db = new DataBuffer(); for( ;; ) { int bytesRead = temp ); if( bytesRead <= 0 ) { // No more information to read, so leave loop. break; } db.write(temp, 0, bytesRead); } // Make sure that the decrypted data is the same as the data // that was passed into the encryptor. byte[] decryptedData = db.toArray(); String strDecrypted = new String(decryptedData); return(strDecrypted); } catch( CryptoTokenException e ) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } catch (CryptoUnsupportedOperationException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } return "error"; } }